Try These Ideas To Train Your New Dog

TIP! Here are a few ways to make crate training more positive for your dog. A dog is naturally hesitant about a crate at first. Never allow your dog to walk you, and be sure the dog always behaves when out and about. The article below will give you some great tips and...

Having Trouble Training Your Dog? Try These Tips

TIP! Before your dog can learn a new command it will take several repetitions. Repetition is key in training your dog. When your dog is trained well, you will have a better relationship with it. When a dog has great training and is perfectly socialized, they are so...

Training Tips For Happy And Obedient Dogs

TIP! Your dog’s diet should be healthy and balanced. A bad diet can cause your dog many problems. If you have a natural-born obedient dog, then consider yourself lucky. Unfortunately, the majority of dogs require some form of training. This may be needed to...