TIP! When crate training a puppy, try to make your puppy feel like the crate is his home. All meals and water bowls should be placed within the crate.

You’ll always remember the day your puppy came home with you. That said, they can become overwhelming quickly. You’ll wonder how you got yourself in such a mess. To relive that previous joy, you will need to teach positive behaviors to your pet. In this article we’re going to go over some of the tips of the trade in training man’s best friend.

TIP! Timing is essential when you are training your dog, so you want to spend enough time training them but do not want go overboard. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend training them each session.

When crate training an indoor dog or puppy, you may try some tricks. Place a treat inside the crate and shut its gate in front of your dog. They’ll know the bone is in there and will want to go inside and get it. After your dog goes into the crate, give positive reinforcement to increase the chance that he will go into the crate again.

TIP! It may take several times for your dog to learn new commands. It may take about 25-50 repetitions of a particular command before your dog understands it.

Crate training requires extreme consistency. As soon as you let your dog out of the crate, take him to his potty location. As he gets older, he will gain greater control of his bodily functions, making it easier to control himself.

TIP! Don’t bother with shock collars. They often don’t function as well as advertised and are far more expensive than conventional training methods.

House training should be built around a regular bathroom schedule. Feed your pooch several times daily at the same hour. This ensures your dog won’t have accidents as you’ll know when to expect a trip outside.

TIP! Ensure you get your dog’s attention using the same methods. Your commands should always begin with your dog’s name.

When training your dog, always remember to have fun. Playing with your dog helps build a stronger bond between dog and human, which encourages the dog to respond positively during training. Training can be enjoyable, but you should still make time just to play with your pet.

TIP! Do not wear out your new puppy with an excessive training regiment. Brief, simple, positive training sessions are well-suited to the limited supply of energy and attention a pup has to work with.

If your dog barks a lot, try getting them accustomed to whatever causes the problem. For example, many dogs bark because of a sound, other animals or people. Your dog should realize barking in such situations is needless.

TIP! Watch the number of treats you give your dog during the day to avoid making your dog overweight. A lot of people forget to account for treats given during training when considering a dog’s diet plan.

Consistency is extremely important in any training program. If more than one member of your family is training your dog, be sure all people use the same commands, rewards and discipline. Your puppy will learn quickly if you only use a few different words and always expect the same behavior.

TIP! The first step in leash training your new puppy is by putting a collar on him while you play with him. Having the dog comfortable in wearing its collar is crucial and it will be able to give the dog its identification in case it takes it off.

Accidents will sometimes happen when you are house training a puppy. Get rid of accidents immediately to improve training efficiency. The smell from the feces and urine can stay in the carpet, and cause your pet to want to relieve themselves on that spot more often. Your local animal store may have numerous products to help eliminate this.

TIP! One thing you should remember when you are training your pet is that you should not give in to bad things your dog does. This is sure to send the message that the dog has free reign and can control you.

One way to help discipline your dog’s bad behavior is to use a water bottle. Getting sprayed is a little unpleasant, and will give your dog the idea the the behavior is unacceptable. In short order, the dog is sure to cease such behavior, and assume the role of fun, yet obedient animal.

TIP! When traveling with your pet, ensure you pack all the necessary equipment. You should take their bed, bowls, and things to clean up after them.

Make sure you’re praising your dog so that you enforce positive behavior. You can act as though you are super excited and talk to them in a happy tone of voice. Do not give any rewards for negative behavior since your dog will thing the bad behavior is good as well.

TIP! Your dog should know the difference between right and wrong at all times. Everyone in the household must consistently enforce the boundaries you have established.

Socialization with other people and pets is an important part of your dog’s training. You need to show them what is acceptable when they are around people and their pets. Doing this will also decrease the likelihood that the dog will respond poorly when introduced to new environments.

TIP! Training should be disciplined but also fun for the dog. Try not to make training sessions any longer than 15 minutes.

If you’re taking your dog on a trip, take all of his gear with you. Items such as food and water dishes are essential when traveling. Don’t drag a huge bag of food with you. You can buy some at your destination.

TIP! Even though it may not be easy, you should always be patient with your dog. Since the dog isn’t human, he can understand what you are saying.

Your dog should know the difference between right and wrong at all times. You will need to have these rules enforced by everyone in your home. Any inconsistency by others in applying the rules you have trained your dog to follow will undo your hard work.

TIP! If you can read your dog’s unique behaviors and traits, you can readily avoid indoor accidents. Most dogs go through a serious of behaviors when they need to go to the bathroom.

Patience and dogs go hand-in-hand. Dogs cannot speak English, and they are not human. Your dog gets cues from your body and the tone of voice you are speaking in. Be cool and take breaks when you get frustrated in certain training sessions.

TIP! Just like people, all dogs are different. Therefore, they all respond differently to training methods.

Does your pet strain and pull every time you put him on a leash? A lot of owners have to deal with this problem, but the solution is quite simple. The right harness will cut pulling quickly and can be purchased at any pet store.

TIP! If specific things trigger bad behavior in your pup, distract him while you are passing the temptation. When you are passing others, you should keep the dog busy and not paying attention to other dogs.

If you want to take your dog to agility competitions, do some research on this discipline and make sure you get the best breed for these competitions. Just about any dog can participate in agility sports, though Border Collies, Shetland sheepdogs, Labs and Australian shepherds are particularly good candidates.

TIP! A dog with separation anxiety should have ties to other people. If your dog develops relationships with other people, it will help to reduce its dependence on just one person.

There must be equal amounts of love, dog treats and patience when training a dog. The tips you just read will help you establish a positive relationship with your dog. It won’t happen overnight, but by being consistent in your training, you will create a much happier home for both of you.