Puppy training builds a healthy relationship with you and your pet. The puppy training process is fraught with highs and lows, and if you have good information, you will be far less stressed along the way. You will be pleased to find that the advice from this article is perfect for your training efforts, no matter what stage they are in.
Your dog should always give you its attention when asked. Dogs learn by repetition so with continued training, your dog will immediately focus on what you are saying.
Pick the proper size crate for your dog if you want to be able to effectively use the crate to train it. Keep in mind that puppies get bigger. Choose a crate which will be the right size for the dog when he grows up. Don’t restrict the size so much so that the dog cannot lie or turn easily.
To strengthen your training efforts, you can use a designated verbal command to help your animal understand what your expectations are and when they have been fulfilled. Even a simple monosyllabic spoken ‘yes’ can help the dog to connect the desired behavior with the imminent reward.
With the right encouragement, most dogs can learn to roll over pretty quickly. Begin by getting the dog to lay down. The next step is to hold a treat close to the floor by the dog’s head then continue to move the treat over his head until you reach the other side. His nose will track that treat and his body will roll over. Each time he sways to one side, tell him to “roll over”. Keep doing this until the treat is no longer needed. Don’t get frustrated if it takes a few tries, once he learns this trick he’ll be the star of the dog park!
When you approach a strange dog, make sure you approach him slowly and allow the dog to sniff your hand. The dog will become familiar with your smell and recognize the scent in the future. After the dog becomes familiar with your smell, he’ll start to trust you and listen to you.
When house training your pup, you should adhere to a regular schedule of feeding and elimination. This allows you to know when your dog has to go and take him outside to do his business before your carpet gets ruined. Conversely, this also teaches your dog that he may need to wait to go to the bathroom.
Try toilet training your dog without there being any accidents. Be able to tell when your dog has to go out. Some clues to watch for are snuffling, whining and pacing. Do not hesitate if you notice this behavior. Grab his leash and take him to a place where he can safely eliminate. Give him praise for doing the right thing. The dog will eventually give you a sign when he needs to go out.
Continue training your dog throughout its life to make sure that its good behavior persists. Your dog isn’t completely trained once he stops being a puppy. By reinforcing their behavior, you can ensure you dog will continue to obey. Also, by disciplining negative behaviors you can ensure your dog will be well behaved.
Let your dog get used to triggers that make them bark to reduce the behavior. The source could be some certain noise or close encounters with another animal. As you begin getting your dog accustomed to these situations, he will be less likely to bark.
Use a steady and commanding tone when speaking to your dog. Dogs are very good at responding to perceived emotions of their trainers. A firm but stern tone should be enough to reinforce discipline.
You cannot rush through the training process. Remember that all dogs have short attention spans and puppies even more so. If you do too much the puppy will just forget what you have taught him, and remember it in a negative way, it will be harder to help him in the end.
You need to know if there are other dogs around when you are out walking your dog. You should not assume every dog is friendly; some dogs may be aggressive. Refrain from walking near dogs that are aggressive.
To prevent the dog from biting people or furniture or otherwise causing damage, use a water bottle to spray him. Getting sprayed is a little unpleasant, and will give your dog the idea the the behavior is unacceptable. Eventually, they won’t do these behaviors anymore and your dog will be obedient and playful.
By being consistent you can teach your puppy to “hold it.” Pay attention to your dog when you are home, and take it out regularly. Every time your dog potties outside, be quick to praise him. If you dog has an accident inside your house, do not scold him. Yelling does not teach, and the dog won’t understand why you’re upset. When it has an accident, take it out and show it where it should go.
It’s imperative that your dog pay attention to you. Everything you just read is appropriate for use in training your dog to be a better and more obedient member of the family. Take your time and your dog will learn the appropriate behaviors. Your dog will become obedient if you keep repeating the same commands and exercises and use the best strategies.
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