TIP! When crate training a new puppy or dog, help the dog realize that the crate is its home. Whenever it’s time for them to eat, place their food bowl into the crate and leave the door open when eating.

Taking on the task of training a puppy is a huge job. It is necessary for your sanity and your dog’s safety, however. Utilize positive methods when training your dog. Consistency and patience are key elements in training your dog. Take time to train your dog every single day because consistency will really be what works in the end. Any longer could cause them to become bored.

TIP! There are many ways to make crate training more comfortable and successful for your new puppy or dog. If your puppy doesn’t like being in his crate, put a dog treat or chew bone in it and close the door to keep him out.

Establish feeding habits for your dog. Feed your dog at the same times every day, so that he knows what to expect. Your dog will soon become accustomed to his feeding schedule and eat quickly.

TIP! Stay with the training, so that he doesn’t forget the lessons that he learned. Keep him in practice.

Always maintain a calm environment as you enter any room your dog occupies. Play time is beneficial to your dog, however, you need to teach your dog to be calm as you enter any room. To help your dog learn this behavior, ignore him when you enter the room. after you have been in there a few minutes, acknowledge him.

TIP! Decide on a specific command phrase for your pup during house training. Whenever you take your pet outside to use the bathroom, choose a phrase, like “go potty”, so he remembers what he is there to do.

Be sure to feed your dog healthy foods and treats. Eating a poor diet will negatively affect your dog in many ways. It not only makes your dog unhealthy but can make him misbehave as well. Simply improving their diet may have a bigger impact on how they respond to training.

TIP! Give your dog more freedom as he or she gets further along in the training program. This balance between obedience and freedom will provide your dog with a very satisfying life.

When trying to train your dog, avoid accidentally reinforcing negative behaviors. This means that you should never reward your dog, with treats or attention, for doing something you’re trying to train it out of. For example, don’t rub your dog’s head when they jump up at you and when you come in the door if you don’t want them to jump.

TIP! Try to get your dog on a regular feeding schedule. This gives you important forehand knowledge to prevent accidents and your dog an association of cause and effect to follow.

Patience is definitely a virtue when training your pet. Patience prevents both of you from becoming frustrated and angry during the training process. Your dog’s goal is to make you happy, but since he does not speak like a human does, it is harder for him to communicate.

TIP! Call for your dog the same way every time. Begin each command by using his name.

Stick with positive reinforcement when it comes to puppy training. Your dog should be rewarded with both small treats and happy words. Never shout towards your dog, nor ever hit or physically strike him. Doing this will cause your dog to act out even more and lose respect for you. Stick to the plan and maintain a positive attitude for great results.

TIP! Use your dog’s name all the time, this will help focus him. By using his name all the time in the first month of having our dog, he should associate his name with focusing on you.

Avoid accidents if you want to housebreak your dog. Be able to tell when your dog has to go out. Common behaviors include snuffling, whining, and pacing around. When you notice this, do not delay. Put his leash on and take him to the place you wish him to go. Whenever he relieves himself in an appropriate time and place, he should be praised immediately. They will eventually ask to go outside.

TIP! Wearing a puppy out by overloading it with information and training is counterproductive. Remember that all dogs have short attention spans and puppies even more so.

When training your dog, stay mindful of the particular grooming needs of whatever specific breed your dog is. While some dogs just need a few baths a year, other breeds have to be clipped and cleaned more frequently. Grooming keeps your dog happy and clean, and greatly reduces the risk of disease.

TIP! When leash-training your dog, keep some slack in the leash. Dogs like to explore new places when they are out on a walk.

Teach your dog the “down” command. You can use this command in emergency situations and to build on other training commands. If you teach your dog how to get ‘down’, this might help in an emergency.

TIP! Leashes can be a new concept for puppies, so have them begin preparing for it by wearing a collar during playtime. You should start your dog off by wearing a collar from the time they are puppy, they will not think that y9ou are going to put them on a leash this way.

Destructive chewing is often a result of anxiety. Leave your dog safely crated with a tough nylon or hard rubber toy, and he will have something to work on until you come home.

TIP! One way to help discipline your dog’s bad behavior is to use a water bottle. This will teach your dog that there are certain behaviors that are unacceptable.

Does your dog frequently pull on their leash? This is a common complaint that owners have with their dogs and it’s simple to fix. Trade your leash for a dog harness. Harnesses can be more comfortable, and allow you to enjoy a walk without your dog pulling on its leash.

TIP! Consistently practice the skills your dog has learned with him. While you may know your dog hasn’t forgotten anything, try little tests to ensure he remembers all the commands he’s learned up to that point.

Why does your dog bark? This way you can avoid the things that trigger barking. For instance, if your pet barks when it sees visitors come into your house, have a friend go to your house more in order to address this type of behavior.

TIP! Avoid reacting the wrong way toward unwanted behavior. If your dog does something wrong and you laugh at him or pet him, then he is likely to repeat this bad behavior indefinitely in the future.

Know an older dog’s limits. Older dogs are harder to train because of developed quirks, so it is best to learn to live with those that are manageable. Adopting dogs that are older can be more difficult to train. Learn to accept most behaviors and concentrate only on the most unacceptable ones.

TIP! If you catch your puppy chewing on something that he shouldn’t be, stop him as soon as you catch him. This helps teach them that they cannot chew on some things and can help them leave your belongs alone when you’re not watching.

To have a well trained dog you have to take the time out of your busy schedule to spend with them. Dogs learn from consistency and repetition. Spending time consistently with your dog lets him know he can depend and rely upon you. These are two qualities that will work to make you the leader of the pack!

TIP! Try to be aware of your dogs signals to make training easier. Most dogs have a specific pattern of behavior indicating a need to eliminate.

You need to reinforce that you are in charge by never chasing the dog with a ball and instead making it always bring the ball back to you. If your dog places the ball someplace else and you make the effort to pick it up, you are showing that your dog is in fact the leader. By making it clear that you expect your dog to return the ball, you are showing that you are the natural leader and that you have clear expectations for him.

TIP! Most cases associated to dog bites result from fear. That occurs when dogs feel trapped, threatened, or frightened.

Implement the tips you’ve just read, and canine training will come naturally to you. As a result, you, your dog, your property and others will all be safer. Using methods like those given in the above article, it will be easier to be safer and more patient when training your dog.