TIP! Crate train your puppy in small steps, so that the training is most effective. When they seem comfortable in it with the door open, try shutting the gate and feed them treats through the wires.

It is widely acknowledged that the better trained your dog is, the higher quality of a relationship the two of you will enjoy. If your dog knows how to socialize and behave properly, spending time with him will always be pleasant and enjoyable. Keep reading to learn how you can have a great relationship with your best canine friend.

TIP! You must stay consistent while you are crate training young puppies. The first thing to keep in mind is that you must let him use the bathroom as soon as he’s let out.

When crate training your new puppy or dog, there are a few tricks you can apply. A yummy treat can help to entice a hesitant dog into the crate. Your dog will want to get into the crate in order to eat the treat. When he does, praise him for it so he knows it was a good thing to do.

TIP! Never chain two dogs too close to each other. The restraints for each dog can become tangled and in an effort to free themselves, they can be injured.

It takes small steps to crate train your puppy; they must become accustomed to it. If they are uncomfortable with the door closed then try to feed them snacks to reassure them that they are okay. Start with short times numbering in mere seconds, and increase the intervals gradually. If your pet seems upset or agitated, you may need to slow down.

TIP! When you are house training your puppy, remember, what goes in, must come out. In order to regulate your dog’s toileting habits, you should feed him a good quality food at the same times each day.

Give them chew toys for pain relief while teething, and keep everything else out of reach. Replace the tasty item you do not want chewed with a designated chew toy. Teething pain can be soothed by a washcloth that has been soaked in water and frozen.

TIP! Teach your dog no response is needed for the word ‘no’. The most effective means of training a dog involves mostly positive reinforcements.

If you have to keep your dogs outside, never tie them up too close to one another. It is just too easy for dogs in such a situation to tangle their leads together, and this can lead to serious injuries for both of them. If dogs get tangled up too severely, one can get wrapped up so badly it could close off the airway, and he could die.

TIP! The first thing you should do when training a puppy is teach him his name. Use his name on a regular basis, and teach him that the appropriate response to hearing is name is to come over to you.

You must be willing to invest the time required for practice if you want your training to be successful. It is said that a human only masters something when they do it 10,000 times, and dogs are no different, although it should take much less repetitions than that! Just remember to keep trying and be patient. Eventually, your dog will learn.

TIP! If you plan on housebreaking your pet, you must work hard to avoid any preventable mistakes. Learn your dog’s signals, so you can anticipate the need to go out.

Learning how to show authority is the foundation of all training your dog. Your dog will neither obey nor respect you if he believes he is the leader of your household. Don’t let your dog control the direction or pace of your walks.

TIP! Use a steady and commanding tone when speaking to your dog. Dogs are very good at responding to perceived emotions of their trainers.

Your training sessons should be kept short. Your dog’s memory and attention span is short, keep the training this way. If you want to train them more, let your dog take a break to get some energy out.

TIP! Don’t bog your puppy down with more information than he can process. A puppy’s attention span is short and their energy is limited, so your sessions should be short and positive.

Ensure you get your dog’s attention using the same methods. Start commands by using his name. This will get his attention so he knows to follow the command. Usually, dogs quickly respond when you can their name and are aware you want to grab their attention.

Positive Reinforcement

TIP! When you go out with your dog, always pay attention to other dogs and animals you come across. Some dogs tend to be aggressive, and it’s not safe to assume that every dog owner is responsible.

Positive reinforcement is the preferred training method for dogs. Remember to show your dog positive attention when they do something good as often as you can. You should not hit or yell at your dog. Not only does it not work, it encourages the belief by the dog that you have no idea what is going on. Always be firm, be consistent and use positive reinforcement to make your dog understand what you want from it.

TIP! A good training tip is to be aware of the special grooming needs of your dog’s breed. There are breeds that are very low maintenance, while others may require weekly grooming sessions.

Use a steady and commanding tone when speaking to your dog. Your dog is sensitive to the tone of your voice and can sense your feelings based on it. Back up your discipline with a stern, but not angry, tone of voice to communicate your displeasure.

TIP! As with most things, and this goes with dog training as well, don’t ever give up. Through constant and positive reinforcement, you will be able to train your dog to retain the behaviors you teach them.

You will be doing more harm that good if you over train your puppy. Remember that all dogs have short attention spans and puppies even more so. If you try to do too much too fast, he will associated it as a negative experience and will resist in the future.

TIP! Teach your dog to get “down”. You can use this in emergencies, but also as a stepping stone to many other training skills.

During leash training, it is necessary to ensure that the leash stays loose. When a dog gets the chance to explore new sights, sounds and smells on a walk, he often becomes very excitable. This eagerness can cause them to pull against the leash if it’s held too tightly. Smart owners are quick to discourage this by rewarding the animal for leaving slack on the leash.

TIP! Every time you reprimand your dog by using its name, try using it 3 to 5 times in a good way. The animal should not associate his name with something negative as this may lead him to experience fear or anxiety when he hears it.

Even if it’s hard for you, you should keep calm around your dog. Since the dog isn’t human, he can understand what you are saying. Your dog will not understand if you fly off the handle. Therefore, make sure you stay calm, and if you discover that you’re too heated during a session, then take a break.

TIP! When it comes to barking, be aware of the environment or activities when your dog barks excessively. Knowing the triggers will help you control the behavior.

Lots of folks are amazed to learn how easy it can be to train a dog. Simple changes in our own behavior, as well as simple techniques that we implement, can result in big improvements in our dog’s behavior.